Lime Mud Pre-Coat Filter Showers


A pulp mill located in Southern Georgia required 140°F wash water for the lime mud pre-coat filter. Located in the recausticizing area, the filter washes and dewaters lime prior to the lime kiln. The wash water provides both an efficient dilution wash of lime mud as well as serving to keep the filter clean, improving drainage. The customer replaced a venturi style heater for two main reasons: severe hammer to filter system piping and wide swings in discharge temperature.


Process Conditions:

Water Flow Rate: 150-400 GPM
Temperature Rise: 70°F
Discharge Temperature: 140°F
Steam Pressure: 150 PSIG
Water Pressure: 50 PSIG



Pick 6X150-3 Constant Flow Heater, 316 stainless steel construction. Normal liquid outlet assembly was deleted for  asy installation and direct replacement within piping area of venturi heater.


Features and Benefits:

• Smooth, Stable Operation
• Precise Temperature Control
• Low Mechanical Shear
• Compact Design
• Complete Absorption of Steam within Heater Body


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Constant Flow Steam Injection Diagram
